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What is minting an NFT?

“Minting” an NFT is the process of writing a digital item to the blockchain. This establishes its immutable record of authenticity and ownership. What is the purpose of minting? You may have heard people ask, “Why can’t I just screenshot an NFT?” Minting is part of the answer.

What is a NFTS (non fungible token)?

NFT stands for "non-fungible token," a type of digital certificate built on blockchain technology -- usually Ethereum ( ETH -0.53%) -- that guarantees ownership of a unique digital asset. Minting digital assets (everything from art to music to articles) as NFTs is one way for artists to monetize their work.

How to mint NFTS on OpenSea?

How to mint on OpenSea Minting NFTs on OpenSea is easy. On the Ethereum blockchain, OpenSea also offers “lazy minting,” a process by which you can avoid paying gas fees to mint your NFTs. When you lazy mint, you can list your item for sale on OpenSea, but it’s not actually written to the blockchain yet.

What are NFTS & how do you use them?

Minting digital assets (everything from art to music to articles) as NFTs is one way for artists to monetize their work. Of course, selling digital files isn't new. But one of the more innovative uses for NFTs is the ability to guarantee that you get credit for the original creation.

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